The Iowa Review
The White Review
“Longanimity for Trauma Release”
“Space Project”
“Longanimity for Trauma Release”
“Space Project”
Berkeley Poetry Review
Lavender Review
“Apparently Irrational Beliefs”
“Apparently Irrational Beliefs”
Point de chute
“Notre aventure brève et opulente” (“Our Brief and Opulent Affair”) (trans. Stéphane Lambion)
“High Sierra” (“High Sierras”) (trans. Stéphane Lambion)
“Notre aventure brève et opulente” (“Our Brief and Opulent Affair”) (trans. Stéphane Lambion)
“High Sierra” (“High Sierras”) (trans. Stéphane Lambion)
“Stonefruit Season”
“Stonefruit Season”
“The Minister of Loneliness”
“The Minister of Loneliness”
Pacifica Literary Review
“Rue du Cherche-Midi”
“Rue du Cherche-Midi”
Hypocrite Reader
“For Rachel in London, For Her Weeks in Hell”
“For Rachel in London, For Her Weeks in Hell”
Yale Literary Magazine
“Desert Poem”
“Desert Poem”